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“No woman has ever loved Kanye West the right way since we broke up. All they Want and Love is his Money.” __ Amber Rose, Kanye’s ex-girlfriend reveals 😲‼️



“No woman has ever loved Kanye West the right way since we broke up. All they Want and Love is his Money.” __ Amber Rose, Kanye’s ex-girlfriend reveals 😲‼️

“It’s hard for me seeing what Kanye West is going through because I do have a place in my heart for him. I know Kanye’s good side, I’ve experienced the good side of him. But when he surrounds himself with people that bring out the bãd side of him, he’s not living at his full potential. I feel bãd when I see things that he does sometimes. Kanye doesn’t have somebody in his life that is maternal in a way that they’re gonna sit him down and love on him and get him to do the right things. Most of Kanye’s ex’s except me don’t know this but Kanye was a mummy’s boy and he wants his woman to act like his mom.
When I was dating Kanye, he wasn’t acting like he does now. I knew how to take care of him because my mom lost her mother and I used to take care of her. So I kinda like had experience of taking care of people like Kanye. I don’t think Kanye has met a woman who loves him right since we broke up. All the women he met only want his money.” ~ Amber Rose

It is only when you’re a billionaire that none of you Ex’s will hãte you 💯

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“It’s hard for me seeing what Kanye West is going through because I do have a place in my heart for him. I know Kanye’s good side, I’ve experienced the good side of him. But when he surrounds himself with people that bring out the bãd side of him, he’s not living at his full potential. I feel bãd when I see things that he does sometimes. Kanye doesn’t have somebody in his life that is maternal in a way that they’re gonna sit him down and love on him and get him to do the right things. Most of Kanye’s ex’s except me don’t know this but Kanye was a mummy’s boy and he wants his woman to act like his mom.
When I was dating Kanye, he wasn’t acting like he does now. I knew how to take care of him because my mom lost her mother and I used to take care of her. So I kinda like had experience of taking care of people like Kanye. I don’t think Kanye has met a woman who loves him right since we broke up. All the women he met only want his money.” ~ Amber Rose

It is only when you’re a billionaire that none of you Ex’s will hãte you

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