Hubert Hurkacz has resigned, and now such a message from the team. It’s known what about the health of a Pole Read more at **Hubert Hurkacz...
Three 🇵🇱 will fight in 🇦🇺 to advance to the first Grand Slam tournament in the new season. **Trzej Polacy Będą Walczyć w Australii o Awans...
Katarzyna Kawa is reserved for now. Simona Halep received a wild card for this👇 **Katarzyna Kawa jest na razie zarezerwowana. Simona Halep otrzymała dziką kartę na...
“He was so much more than a brother,” Travis Kelce said, his voice trembling with grief, tears streaming down his face as he heartbreakingly announced the...
Breaking News: Travis Kelce, visibly heartbroken, announced the devastating loss of a beloved family member. **Breaking News: Travis Kelce, Visibly Heartbroken, Announces the Devastating Loss of...
Exclusive: Lady Gaga’s Massive Engagement Ring Is Now Estimated To Be Worth Over $1 Million…..Read More **Exclusive: Lady Gaga’s Massive Engagement Ring Is Now Estimated To...
Tennis News of the Day: Iga konwi kontek faces inappropriate comments; Eugenie Bouchard reports eye injury and more. ### Tenisowe wiadomości dnia: Iga Świątek zmaga się...
Halep’s wrath after Christmas sentence. She’s done her thing, the decision was made in Australia. Read more at ### Gniew Halep po świątecznym wyroku. Zrobiła swoje,...
A scandal after what happened in Zakopane. “Shame and compromise” 😱 😱 😱 ### Skandal po tym, co wydarzyło się w Zakopanem. “Wstyd i kompromitacja” 😱...
Coach of Iga Trwi Śtek responds to criticism of Nick Kyrgios’ doping accusations. ### Trener Igi Świątek Odpowiada na Krytykę Oskarżeń Nicka Kyrgiosa o Doping **Wstęp**...