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Justin hit it big as a cute teen idol back then. He was everywhere! Then he decided he wanted to move beyond the pop love songs into something more adult. Fair enough.

Don’t get me wrong, I totally support teen performers wanting to do something different…being on top of the teeny-pop genre has a short shelf life, and Justin wanted to be around longer than a year or two. So he chose to morph into a baby thug, a gangsta wannabe with a rough entourage and a “Do you know who I AM?” attitude.

I won’t list all the crap he got up to after that…just know there was a lot of it. Justin and his “crew” started pissing people off wherever they went. Friends, neighbors, innocent bystanders, the police…they didn’t care. Then Justin capped it all off by spitting on his fans from a hotel balcony.

There are some performers big enough, and talented enough, to get away with something like that. Justin isn’t one of them. A superstar can pee in random buckets and spit off balconies, trot out a sincere apology the next day, plead intoxication and carry on.

That’s because they’re massively talented. Justin isn’t. His ego was writing cheques his talent couldn’t cash. His last hit was Despacito…that was back in 2017, and it was a remix. He’s done nothing since then…and he hasn’t been ill for that whole time. His talent didn’t translate to adult music. It happens.

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